1) CUSTOMER SERVICE - Customer service is a seldom emphasized reason that deserves
consideration for an improved document storage solution. A customer calls an account
administrator to learn whether or not a particular function or act has occurred or is permitted. The
account administrator must make a note and inform the client that he/she will return the call after
locating the document and researching an answer. After obtaining the needed information from
the account folder, assuming the folder is in its proper place, the administrator will call the client.
The possible beginnings of "telephone tag" and a bad situation if the client is not available. The
best scenario in this situation is to be able to respond to the customer during the initial call. This
timely response, with an accurate answer, is the preferred customer service experience. In the
same situation using JOSHUA, the account administrator receives the call, retrieves the
information or related document in question at his/her workstation, uses the Browse or Search
features to find the relevant information, and provides an answer. All parties are better served by
eliminating callbacks, time delays and lost productivity. Establishing a price for improved
customer service is difficult, but there is no question of its value.
2) STORAGE COSTS - The most dramatic advancements in computer technology have
been in the areas of processing speed and the ability to store large amounts of information. Ten
years ago a 300 MB disk drive was priced at about $30,000 to $35,000. Today, the same device
is obsolete and priced under $100. Currently, a 250 GB disk storage device(IDE) costs under
$300. Estimates are that storage costs will continue to drop approximately fifty (50%) percent
every 12 months, relegating image storage as a non-issue. This is perhaps the most significant
factor that makes document storage and filing, using imaging technology, so affordable. The cost
associated with traditional methods of document storage, such as, file cabinets, folders,
microfilming and file room space will continue to increase year after year.
3) SCANNER TECHNOLOGY - The price of scanners, like computer storage cost, has fallen
dramatically over the past few years. Additionally, new technology allows scanners to have
internal processors. The quality Fujitsu product line offers several scanners with 16MB of
memory and internal processors. This permits buffering between the scanner and the host
computer and facilitates the speed of compression while providing crisp scanned images.
Resolution of a typical scanned image is 200 to 400 DPI (Dots Per Inch). An extremely crisp
laser printer reproduction is achieved from the resolution. The speed of a scanner is a function of
price but costs have fallen, while speeds have improved. Fujitsu's scanner speeds range from 15
to one hundred eighty pages per minute and prices begin at $1200.
4) DISASTER RECOVERY - How critical is your filed information to the success of your
business? Water damage is as destructive as the consequences of a fire. A back up procedure
for computer stored data is a routine operation but unfortunately the critical hard copy is seldom
duplicated. JOSHUA captures all filed information in an image format, stores it on a magnetic
storage device and the back up procedure creates a duplicate copy of all filed documents. If
disaster should strike, backup will provide the critical day-to-day information needed to maintain
consistent customer service.
5) MISSING FOLDER SYNDROME - Many departments have a secure file room that require
a file sign-out process or another procedure for maintaining a system of checks and balances.
Many departments point out; "Lost folders are a fact of life." Missing information impairs
customer service and productivity. A loss in customer confidence due to an untimely response
may not be healthy in a competitive market. The folder and its contents are always filed using
JOSHUA. Locating the needed information is a matter of a few keystrokes.
6) IN USE FOLDER SYNDROME - Similar to the previous item is the situation in which two
or more people need filed information simultaneously. One person has the folder, thereby
making it inaccessible. The other interested parties have difficulty performing their function,
potentially resulting in poor customer service. Frustration internally may increase as well.
JOSHUA alleviates this problem by permitting all, authorized users to access the folder
7) LOCATING MISPLACED DOCUMENTS - While a document or folder may be filed, it is
still possible for it to be filed incorrectly and therefore lost. JOSHUA, using its Optical Character
Recognition (OCR) feature can search an entire file room, regardless of size, in a short time
period. Searches can be accomplished by searching on key words or phrases within the
document. This task requires a matter of minutes not days, for a person or persons to do the
8) IMAGING verses MICROFILM - Before the use of imaging technology, microfilm and/or
microfiche provided backup and retrieval capabilities for key documents. Technology limitations
in the use of film and fiche make them, at best, difficult to use. These limitations consist of
offsite production through third party relationships, uncertainty of film contents and proprietary
hardware. There is also the need for specialized clerical employees to operate and retrieve
information. JOSHUA eliminates these shortcomings. Imaging is less expensive, faster, and
infinitely more flexible. Technology is in-house and most likely will operate on your network and
existing hardware. A centralized reader station is not necessary because networked workstations
can access stored information. Documents generated from an image appear like the original. In
addition, the Computer Output to Laser Disk (COLD) feature permits the electronic transfer and
filing of information generated internally. This eliminates time spent printing duplicate reports for
filing and scanning. Information is available to everyone on the system, immediately.
9) CENTRALIZED versus DECENTRALIZED - There are two evolving control philosophies and
JOSHUA is capable of handling either business direction. The system is scaleable or
incrementally expandable according to the LAN or WAN, in which information is to be accessed.
Information is secure down to the document level, so that sensitive information may be stored on
a common server. JOSHUA can accommodate a department or company needing to file 50,000
documents per year or a million. The document storage and filing solution configuration is your
10) WHY JOSHUA - In addition to being a full function document storage and filing solution,
JOSHUA is Windows based and operates in a network environment. The imaging concept was
developed to take advantage of current technology, such as, data base managers, data
compression tools, and an array of magnetic storage devices. Currently, there are several pieces
of software that permit main frame or mid-range computers to transfer data down to personal
computers on the network. This allows historic information stored on these more expensive
platforms to migrate and reside in a less expensive environment, using a personal computer as
the document storage device.
From our discussions with businesses and departmental personnel, we feel the items listed
above are relevant to any imaging discussion. There may be more than just these 10, but it is
our feeling that these are of primary interest and importance. We welcome questions and
comments and we are available for further discussion at your convenience. Please feel free to
call or write to us with your ideas. |